The educational collaboration between Uvesa and the Rehabilitation Group of the native fauna and its habitat is successfully completed (Grefa)

At the beginning of the year, the UVESA Group closed an agreement with the Native Fauna Rehabilitation Group and its Habitat (GREFA) to finance an environmental awareness project on the Milano Real (Milvus milvus) at the GREFA Nature Live Center facilities from Majadahonda (Madrid) and within the framework of the educational projects that are developed there. The objective of both entities was to strengthen students’ interest in nature conservation, research and awareness of the dangers that lurk indigenous wildlife, emphasizing the loss of biodiversity and climate change.

Thus, during the 2018-2019 school year, 6,903 schoolchildren of the Primary and Secondary cycles of a total of 165 schools in Madrid and other municipalities of the Community have participated in the formal environmental education program of GREFA. There they have learned to identify the main threatened species in Spain, the threats that affect protected wild species, the conservation actions that are developed with these species and the importance of the collaboration of public and private entities in the sustainability of their work.

Thanks to the support of the UVESA Group in the Milano Real project, a specific signage has been created explaining the biology and ecology of this species, its population and distribution, the survival difficulties it faces and the actions developed by GREFA to its conservation In addition, a monographic educational booklet on the Milano Real has been reissued.
