Uvesa, recognized for its CSR policy by the Government of Navarra

7 November 2011Uvesa, has received the “Recognition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Industrial Enterprises” award, presented at the XI Day Act Navarro of Excellence. Delivery has made the Minister of Rural Development, Industry, Employment and Environment, DªLourdes Goicoechea Zubelzu.

The event, which was developed in the Congress Palace and Baluarte Auditorium, was organized by the Government of Navarra and the Navarra Foundation for Excellence and delivery of several awards and accolades was made.

Thanks to this act, the Government of Navarra has recognized Uvesa for having implemented the methodology innovate through aid to the Directorate General of Labor and Risk Prevention Provincial Executive. It has meant three years of work in the different phases of the project (Diagnosis, Creation Plan and CSR Report) to advance the foundation for continuous improvement and achievement of objectives in the short and medium term.

In Navarre more than 200 companies have made a diagnosis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), although only 60 have launched an action plan. And 20 companies have presented a sustainability report, fulfilling the complete cycle of the innovated methodology.

Uvesa has been recognized by the realization of CSR initiatives, such as developing a plan of equality and family reconciliation, as the realization of investment policy and establishments agreements for R & D with companies in the area. It has also implemented measures environmentally and participation in the European project Innowater aimed at the implementation of new water technologies and the introduction of a pilot plant in the industrial water treatment to treat discharges of nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand.

Pedro Sieso, director of the plant bird Tudela, recognition is “a stimulus to continue working in a partnership of companies committed to sustainability, food safety and continuous improvement. And also it appreciates the efforts made by the team, “which has managed to walk in the direction and commitment to social responsibility, with what all this means.

Published News (online edition) in Diario de Navarra and Group Well