February 26, 2019. – With the aim of transmitting habits of healthy life and sport among the youngest ones, Grupo UVESA started the collaboration with the catering company GOURMETFOOD in 2017 and they continue collaborating together in educational projects in educational centers of Navarra
His latest joint initiative has been an educational workshop, aimed at children and primary school students, on the amount of sugar in the foods most frequently consumed by children. The activity involved 2,500 girls and boys from 22 schools in Navarra from different locations (Tudela, Pamplona, Cascante …).
The World Health Organization recommends limiting the consumption of added sugar, or free (the one that is not found naturally in food) before the evidence of its negative consequences for health and fundamentally for that of the smallest.
Very visual informative panels have been developed that become part of the decoration of the cafeteria of the schools after the pedagogues carry out their workshop with the minors. In addition, when finishing the children have taken home a diptych reminder with photos of the activities.